Fall in love (again) with the farm you already have

Creating WORK-LIFE BALANCE on the farm

Mindset Coaching for 👩‍🌾

Raising food for others is honorable, rewarding work. You knew it would be physically demanding but the lifestyle was worth it.

This is your dream! You’re passionate about feeding your local community and purposeful in your decision to steward and regenerate the land.

So, what on earth happened? How did you get so far off course?

Image shows young female farmer in plaid shirt with one hand on her hip and the other shielding her eyes as she looks away from camera across a fallow field

Because now on the daily 👇

You’re Overwhelmed. Overworked. Burned Out.

  • Each day brings some new catastrophe that requires you to drop your planned to-do list.

  • But now there’s never any progress on the “big” tasks because they just live on the back burner.

  • You collapse into bed physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted asking yourself, “Is this all there is?”

  • You desperately need a break but even leaving the farm for a few hours feels impossible.

Do you even remember what it was like when farming was FUN?

It doesn’t have to be like this.

You’re in the right place

I’m Farm Coach Katia. I've been a farmer, a rancher, and a mom for over a decade. But I could feel my passion for agriculture starting to wane.

I committed to doing whatever it took to find work/life balance on MY terms.

I discovered peace, calm, and clarity. But mostly, I fell in love with my ranch all over again (challenges and all).

Turns out work/life balance wasn’t elusive - I just had to develop the skills to create it for myself. And you can too!

I help overworked farmers and ranchers tame overwhelm and rekindle their relationship with the farm.

This is fixable

You know something has to change though because what you’re doing clearly isn’t working.

But your farm isn’t broken. And neither are you.

Even the most neglected homestead orchard can be returned to production with thoughtful pruning.

What if finding balance in your farm business was just that simple?

  • Clear away the broken branches to open up the canopy (clear the mental clutter)

  • Prune the over-extended branches (overwhelm)

  • Prop up the undersupported branches (self-care)

With a good plan and a few hours of pruning, the tree has transformed from a “lost cause” to having inspiring potential.

So are you ready to get to work?

Are you ready to fall in love with your farm (again)?

Mindset coaching is the key to breaking the cycle

Put simply, mindset coaching helps bring awareness to the thoughts you think and how those thoughts influence the way you show up on your farm (and in life).

I get it. It sounds a little “woo-woo”. But hear me out.

Mindset coaching teaches the skills of mind management

By developing an awareness of your thoughts, you can intentionally decide if what you are thinking is working for or against you.

It’s not attempting to “think your way out” of a problem or gaslighting yourself into believing a new thought.

It’s shedding the limiting beliefs that keep you stuck while developing a whole new set of problem-solving skills. Skills that help you consciously create work/life balance.

What skills would help you find balance in your life?

  • What if you set clear goals and focused on only the actions that move you toward achieving them?

  • What if you cultivated the self-discipline to show up consistently in your marketing?

  • What if you developed the confidence to raise your prices?

  • What if you confidently set and enforce boundaries?

  • What if you learned how to make better, faster decisions?

  • What if you stopped procrasti-learning and finally took action?

  • What if you learned to effectively communicate and advocate for your needs?

The agricultural support you ACTUALLY need

Most of the “farm support” programs out there focus on the technical aspects of HOW:

  • HOW to raise agricultural products

  • HOW to make a business plan

  • HOW to market your wares

Think farmer training programs, conferences, workshops, NRCS, extension, farm credit services and so on.

But if you’re like me, you’ve been to dozens of trainings, and listened to the same topics over and over again.

You know what you SHOULD be doing - yet another winter conference season rolls around and here you are shaming yourself that you still haven’t gotten all these projects done.

What if the most valuable capital improvement you can make on the farm is …

… Investing in yourself.

Redefining Farm Support

What if instead of supporting the farm, we supported the FARMER?

It’s no secret that agriculture takes a hefty physical, mental, and emotional toll.

So why don’t we tend to those needs?

Why do we blindly accept that being overworked, overwhelmed, and burned out is normal?

Why do we tell ourselves it’s OK if we’re exhausted because “we do it for the lifestyle.”

If the biggest perk of the job is “the lifestyle” - it damn well better be emotionally regenerative.

Oh, it doesn’t feel that way right now?

That’s OK.

I have good news:

You have the ability to create that result for yourself!

One-on-One Support Through Coaching

Coaching helps support and develop the skills you need to reclaim balance in your life - on your terms.

And the built-in accountability of working with a coach builds momentum so you actually reach those goals.

Even better? That balance makes you a more confident CEO of your farm.

You gain perspective and clarity on exactly what you need to do to build a profitable farm while creating your own emotional wealth

REKINDLE your relationship with the farm ✨

REBALANCE your life and priorities ⚖️

REWIRE your brain 🧠

What’s keeping you from finding balance on the farm?